4 Myths About College Scholarships That Could Cost You

Scholarships come in different kinds of packages, from institutional scholarships, to state-sponsored merit awards or need-based scholarships, to smaller scholarships from private foundations. They play a key role in affording college, with some 60% of families using them to cover a portion of the bill, according to the Sallie Mae’s 2022 How America Pays for … Read more

College Tuition Payment Plans Can Stick Students With Exorbitant Fees: Report

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) identified a number of flaws and risks with college tuition payment plans in a new 35-page report. Payment plans have traditionally been presented as a relatively innocuous tool to help manage college bills and even avoid student loans, but, per the CFPB, often have less-than-ideal terms in their fine print. The … Read more

Yes, Colleges Really Can Cut Your Financial Aid if You Win Other Scholarships

Most colleges around the country practice scholarship displacement, meaning they reduce financial aid when students bring in outside scholarships, even though critics say it penalizes students who put in the effort to apply for awards from community organizations and non-profit groups. What’s more, sometimes families don’t see the impact until the fall bill shows up, … Read more

How to Pay for College Without Loans

Most college students use a combination of money sources: Last year, for example, families reported that scholarships and grants covered 26% of costs, while 54% came from parent and student income and 18% from loans, according to Sallie Mae’s How America Pays for College report. If your goal is to avoid student loan debt — … Read more